Christmas Anti-Fable
Movie 28'
Directed by: Efthimis Chatzis
Script Adaptation: Presbyter Constantinos Stratigopoulos
Short Story: Ilias Voulgarakis / “A Decent Trinity”
Executive Production: View Master Films
Music: Evanthia Rempoutsika
Plot: In a futuristic world in the 1950’s, a saviour is much needed. An international committee of scientists, along with the representatives of the three tribes of the earth, is called upon to resolve the crisis. Christmas Eve...and the question arises...Who will save the worms - and humanity?
Description: Although the film is fictional, even surrealistic, it roots in poetic realism. It is a modern approach that is inspired by the tradition of the art of cinematography, by the era of silent movies, by “film noir” while its iconography is inspired by Byzantine icons.